standing up for the first time

realizing her life’s potential


i met some brilliant people today and i felt darn small next to them. in my mind’s eye, i shrank to the size of a minuscule atom the moment they stepped in to the room. not that they belittled me in anyway, they’re very nice people.. but i really felt so finite in that instance.

sometimes i wonder, i’m doing my best but this is all that i can achieve. wouldn’t it be great if i were even half as brilliant? i find myself at a loss for words, unsure of how to behave in a social setting. on a side note, i sneaked 2 pictures at lunch and i’m sure it didn’t go unnoticed la. but i just did it quietly anyways because i wanted so much to digitize that memory. ah well. i’m sure they will forgive this young lass who doesn’t look like she knows what’s going on anyway. heh.

well. what is real depth? depth in what anyways? are brilliant minds necessarily not superficial? i know they are not necessarily shallow, but is the converse true?

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